Most Cited Articles

Clinical Effect of SPT in Adolescents Experiencing Suicidal Events
자살성 사건을 경험한 청소년의 Sandplay Therapy(SPT) 임상효과
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2022;4(1):25-44.
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The Effects of School Sandplay Group Counselling on Emotional and Behavioral Problems in the Lower Grades of Elementary School
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 초등학교 저학년의 정서·행동 문제에 미치는 효과
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(1):1-13.
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The Effects of School Sand Play Group Counseling on Depression and Anxiety of Elementary School Students : A Preliminary Study
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 자해행동 초등학생의 우울, 불안에 미치는 효과:예비연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):16-26.
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Review: Research Trends in Korean Journal of Sandplay Group Therapy
종설 : 모래놀이 집단치료의 국내 학술지 연구 동향
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(2):66-84.
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Effect of School Sand Play Group Counseling on Emotional and Behavioral Problems, Peer Problems, and Aggression of Elementary School Students
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 초등학생의 정서·행동 문제, 또래 문제, 공격성에 미치는 효과
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2022;4(1):1-10.
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The Effect of School Sand Play Group Counseling on Self-Concept, Self-Injury Function, and Suicide Ideation in Elementary School Students with Experience of Self-Injury: A Preliminary Study
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 자해경험이 있는 초등학생의 자아개념, 자해 기능, 자살사고에 미치는 효과: 예비연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2023;5(2):34-43.
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The Effectiveness of Sandplay Group Therapy on Youth's Emotional Behavior in Local Children's Centers
모래놀이 집단상담이 지역아동센터 청소년의 정서·행동문제에 미치는 효과
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):95-103.
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The Effect of School Sand Play Group Counseling on the Aggression, Problem Behavior, Impulsiveness, and Interpersonal Characteristics of Elementary School Students with Hostile Peer Relationships: A Preliminary Study
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 적대적 또래관계를 보이는 초등학생의 공격성, 문제행동, 충동성, 대인관계 특성에 미치는 효과: 예비연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(2):114-124.
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Sensory Processing Abilities in Elementary Students with Suicide Ideation: A Preliminary Study on the Clinical Effects of School Sandplay Group Counseling
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2023;5(3):44-63.
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A Study on a Symbolic Study of Butterflies
나비에 관한 하나의 상징연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2019;1(1):5-18.
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Effects of Sand Play Therapy on Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents: A Case Study
모래놀이 치료가 청소년의 우울과 불안에 미치는 효과: 사례연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2019;1(1):19-30.
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Research on the Experiences of Sibling members of a Suicide
자살로 형제자매를 잃은 유가족의 경험에 대한 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2019;1(1):31-48.
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A Case Study of Middle School Girls' Sand Play Restoring Self-Esteem
자존감을 회복해가는 여중생의 모래놀이 사례연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2019;1(1):49-64.
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A Case Study of Sandplay Therapy for a High School Third Grade Girl
여고생의 모래놀이치료 사례
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(1):14-28.
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A Case Study of a Female Middle School Student Developing a ‘Self-image’: Focusing on the Work of the Hands in a Sandbox
‘자아상’을 구축해 가는 여중생의 사례연구 : 모래상자에서의 손의 작업을 중심으로
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(1):29-41.
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A Study on the Symbolism of Turtles in Child's Sandplay
아동의 모래상자에 나타난 거북 상징 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(1):42-53.
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A Case Study of Sandplay Treatment for High School Girls with Depression
우울증을 겪고 있는 여고생의 모래놀이치료 단일사례연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):54-70.
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The Effect of Group Sand Play Treatment Program on the Depression and Anxiety of Middle School Students
대인관계 증진 집단모래놀이치료가 중학생의 우울, 불안에 미치는 영향
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):71-84.
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The Effect of Sandplay Therapy on Emotion and Behavior of Elementary School Students with Mal-adjustment Issues: Focusing on the Korean Youth Self Report(K-YSR)
모래놀이치료가 학교부적응 초등학생의 정서 및 행동문제에 미치는 영향: 한국판 청소년 행동평가척도 자기보고용(K-YSR)을 중심으로
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):85-94.
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A Study on the Symbolism of Stone in Poetry and Sandplay
박목월의 시 ‘중심에서’와 모래놀이에 나타난 돌의 상징성 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):104-113.
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