List of Articles

School Counselling and Sandplay. Vol. 3, No. 1, 2021

Research Article
The Effects of Group Counseling for Peer Relation Improvement on the Ego Strength of Children
또래관계향상 집단상담 프로그램이 아동의 자아강도에 미치는 효과 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):1-15.
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The Effects of School Sand Play Group Counseling on Depression and Anxiety of Elementary School Students : A Preliminary Study
학교모래놀이 집단상담이 자해행동 초등학생의 우울, 불안에 미치는 효과:예비연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):16-26.
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Theoretical Considerations and Case Study of Eagle Symbols
독수리의 상징에 관한 이론적 고찰과 사례 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):27-37.
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The multilayer property of symbol and Frog symbol of the ancient Bushman tribe
한국의 벽화, 그림, 문학에 나타난 소의 상징성 중 모성성을 중심으로
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):38-49.
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Fire Symbol of Faith in Jowang (god of Kitchen)
조왕신앙 측면에서의 불 상징 고찰
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2021;3(1):50-65.
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