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School Counselling and Sandplay. Vol. 2, No. 2, 2020

Research Article
A Case Study of Sandplay Treatment for High School Girls with Depression
우울증을 겪고 있는 여고생의 모래놀이치료 단일사례연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):54-70.
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The Effect of Group Sand Play Treatment Program on the Depression and Anxiety of Middle School Students
대인관계 증진 집단모래놀이치료가 중학생의 우울, 불안에 미치는 영향
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):71-84.
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The Effect of Sandplay Therapy on Emotion and Behavior of Elementary School Students with Mal-adjustment Issues: Focusing on the Korean Youth Self Report(K-YSR)
모래놀이치료가 학교부적응 초등학생의 정서 및 행동문제에 미치는 영향: 한국판 청소년 행동평가척도 자기보고용(K-YSR)을 중심으로
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):85-94.
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The Effectiveness of Sandplay Group Therapy on Youth's Emotional Behavior in Local Children's Centers
모래놀이 집단상담이 지역아동센터 청소년의 정서·행동문제에 미치는 효과
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):95-103.
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A Study on the Symbolism of Stone in Poetry and Sandplay
박목월의 시 ‘중심에서’와 모래놀이에 나타난 돌의 상징성 연구
Sch. Couns. Sandplay 2020;2(2):104-113.
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